Hard Data.
We are experienced in the use of data from multiple sources - be it administrative register based, survey based, or other economic or commercial data. We know our data sources extremely well, and how to extract value. We utilise data to translate hard facts into actionable insights.
Register Data.
We are experts in using administrative register data. We have extensive experience through many years in using a variety of registers at Statistics Denmark. Indeed, we have contributed to the process of making new registers available and documenting them for researchers and analysts.
Survey Data.
Survey Data are indispensable for topical insights. We have long-standing experience with the use and design of surveys and questionaires. And we team up with the best polling institutes and consultancies to cater for your specific needs and wishes.
Business Data.
We have many years of experience in working with a variety of different data sources, including private and commercial data, as well as data collected from consumers etc.