Actionable Insights.
We act as the easy-to-engage back-office for companies that have not yet the means and capacity in-house. Based on hard facts and advanced analytics, we provide just exactly that profound insight, which is key to unlock companies’ growth potential.
We employ advanced and powerful techniques in our analyses, and specialise in the analysis of hard data. We translate hard facts into new understandings, applicable recommendations, and actionable insights.
We hold extensive experience in a wide range of subject areas, including business and market analyses, analysis of customer behaviour, the labour market, education and health economics, social policies, pension systems, and taxation.
We specilise in
Market Aanlysis. Customer Behaviour
We utilise hard data in generating sophisticated insights into the very base of all companies, their customers. We help companies dig deeper into the the sentiments of their customers, understand customers better - and predict customer behaviour.
Education. Training.
We describe and map the compostion of education and employment, analyse imballances and point out measures to re-balance them. We evaluate education policies and study the impacts of educational behaviour on salary, employment, social mobility, gender equality, etc.
Pension Schemes. Tax Policies.
We analyse the effects of different designs of pension schemes, and evaluate the effects of tax policies. We help investigate into the incentive structures created - and into the effects on behaviour of populations.
Business. Innovation.
We analyse growth drivers, map innovation, and help investigate into the effects of business policies. And we help companies get to the core of how their innovations affect customer behaviour.
Health. Social Policy.
We investigate into the workings and effects of social policies. Although challenges remain, utilising the right data can push knowledge about social policies much further. We characterise citizens targeted by social policy programmes, and help understand why some are left better off, and why some may be in need of further assistance.
Labour Market.
We map, describe, and evaluate labour market policies, and point to innovative solutions to increase employment, decrease unemployment, and sharpen the match of positions and skills.